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  • Classroom Management, Discipline, and Corrective Action


    The Board of Mukilteo School District focuses on the educational achievement of each and every student. The District holds high expectations for all students and gives all students the opportunity to achieve personal and academic success. “Discipline” means any action taken by the school district in response to behavioral violations, including exclusionary as well as positive and supportive forms of discipline. The Board intends that this policy and procedure be implemented in a manner that supports positive school climate, maximizes instructional time, and increases equitable educational opportunities, including but not limited to:

    • Engaging with school personnel, students, parents/guardians, families, and the community in decisions related to the development and implementation of discipline policies and procedures.
    • Supporting students in meeting behavioral expectations, including providing for early involvement of parents/guardians and families.
    • Administering discipline in ways that respond to the needs and strengths of students and keeping students in the classroom to the maximum extent possible.
    • Providing educational services that students need to complete their education without disruption.
    • Facilitating collaboration between school personnel, students, and parents/guardians, and families to support successful reentry into the classroom following a suspension or expulsion.
    • Ensuring fairness, equity, and due process in the administration of discipline.
    • Implementing culturally responsive discipline that provides every student with the opportunity to achieve personal and academic success.
    • Providing a safe environment for all students and for district employees.

    ​​​​​​​[Board Policy 3241 and Procedures 3241-P]

  • Bus Conduct

    Transportation is available to students whose residences qualify them to ride a bus. Continued ridership is based on a student’s safe, respectful, and responsible behavior at bus stops and on the bus.

    Passenger Conduct

    1. Follow the driver’s instructions when first requested.
    2. Remain safely seated. When available, seat belts must be worn at all times.
    3. Keep noise level down at classroom level.
    4. Respect others and their property; keep hands and feet to self.
    5. No eating or drinking.
    6. Get on/off the bus only at own stop.
    7. Enter/exit the bus safely, using the handrail(s).
    8. Place backpack on lap while riding the bus.
    9. No prohibited items allowed.

    Failure to abide by bus conduct guidelines will result in discipline, which may include exclusion from the bus and school disciplinary action. [Board Policy 8120 and Board Policy 8123]


  • Off-campus Intervention 

    The following are factors for consideration to determine whether or not a school will assume jurisdiction in an off-campus incident: 

    • Did the incident occur in whole or part due to behavior between the parties during the school day?
    • Did the incident occur reasonably close in time to the school dismissal bell?
    • Did the incident occur reasonably close to school grounds, bus or bus stop?
    • Will the incident disrupt the educational process at the school?
    • The seriousness of the offense.
  • Appeal, Readmission, and Re-Engagement During School Exclusion
    In-School Suspension, Short-Term or Long-Term Suspension, School Expulsion, or Emergency Removal

    Students or parent/guardian(s) may appeal any suspension or expulsion from school. Grievance and appeal procedures are stated on each suspension/expulsion notice and can also be found in Board Procedures 3241-P.

    Optional Conference with Principal

    If a student or the parent/guardian(s) disagree with the District's decision to suspend, expel, or emergency remove the student, the student or parent/guardian(s) may request an informal conference with the principal or designee to resolve the disagreement. The parent/guardian or student may request an informal conference orally or in writing. An informal conference will not limit the right of the student or parent/guardian(s) to appeal the suspension, expulsion, or emergency expulsion, participate in a reengagement meeting, or petition for readmission.